Monday, April 9, 2012

Life In Motion

So things just keep moving, like that annoying quote says, the world does not stop when we are in pain. No, oh sadly no. What we feel is not cared about around the world, by anyone in the world. We become so consumed in our pain we cant see that no one is looking, caring. After a time we begin to long others to pay some, if even small amount, of attention. Just notice that I am hurting so badly. I'm suffering, how can no one care. Why can't you just stop for a time? Please, just stop and care with me, for me. Of course you've tried to keep moving, through the war that is called life. Each battle weakening, breaking the soul, the heart, the being fallen to pieces. You get to a point, that you just want, to give up. Just surrender to the pain. 
I'm still at a point of possibly surrendering to the pain, giving into death.
But maybe if there is just one...that once person, who can turn it all around.
Change your idea of life.

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