Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Backpacking in Europe

I have, for as far back as I can remember, always wanted to backpack around Europe. Especially with my best friend, my love. It would be amazing and so much fun. It may sound like a lot of work but my rational keeps my thoughts on the excitement of it. Don't get me wrong I love airports, honestly. I don't like the lines and stupid people and of course stripped searched. However, the feel of awaiting your new destination, the stores, all the interesting people, restaurants, its an experience. Back to backpacking, I want to and will do this. Why? Well, instead of the hours waiting in line and at a terminal, for a flight that would take minutes, to get from one place to the next, I would rather be walking, biking, training, or busing across foreign lands. To bast in the glory and beauty for all they are worth. To see things that may be similar to things that I have never seen before in my life. To enjoy the space I am visiting fully and entirely. Europe, the place of my ancestors, the origins of our nation. I would love to see the art of the greats and the places they were born and lived. To see the grandeur of the structures built with power and grace. The castles, the cathedrals, the monuments, the places built for kings. Some of the things I would love to visit is the Stonehenge, Amsterdam -Netherlands; Dubrovnik/the Plitvice Lakes -Croatia; Berlin -Germany; Lauterbrunnen - Switzerland; Rome/Italian Riviera/Tuscany/Venice/Barcelona/Florence -Italy; Greece - Meteora/the Greek Islands/Athens; Hallstatt - Austria; London/Cornwall - England; Paris/Madrid - France; Copenhagen - Scandinavia...and a list of other things to do and architectural places. I can't wait, seven years of planing and saving and we'll be there. ^.^

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